
Wednesday, June 24, 2015


This is Emily, or as many of you know, "My dearest Emily." Yes, I'm talking about that stupid Tooth Fairy Letter. I sure have a lot to say about this, so brace yourself and get ready to read it all.

Now, this letter was written to me when I was eleven years old. Eleven!! I wasn't six. I hate to break it to everyone, but, I no longer believed in the Tooth Fairy. I had stopped believing in the Tooth Fairy around age seven, having an older sister, this was reasonable.

When I woke up the morning of the letter arrival, it was taped to our bedroom mirror, a place we were bound to find it. I got out of bed, walked over to the mirror, read the letter, tore it off, and put it on a shelf that was close to my door. I didn't talk to Mom about the letter until I had woken up a little more and had eaten breakfast. I went back into my room and grabbed the letter. Laughing at how incredibly dumb the letter seemed for an eleven year old, I took the letter out into the living room and showed it to Mom.

"Really Mom?" I said, obviously not impressed with the now infamous Tooth Fairy letter.

All she said was, "Gonna clean your room?"

"Maybe," I say, walking into my room, wondering where to start on the disaster we called a bedroom. After many, many hours of cleaning a room, basketball practice, and many other distractions, the room was cleaned. That night, I went to bed, like any normal eleven year old would. The next morning, I did have a dollar under my pillow. We went on with life just like before.

Until, one day, a few months after the disaster bedroom incident, Mom was on her computer and I walked over to her and said in these exact words, "Hey Mom, I know you made that Tooth Fairy Letter famous."

I'm pretty sure she almost fainted. In case anyone is wondering how I know about everything, I will admit, I was a nosy person. Being eleven, I had a fascination with anything and everything Mom was doing on the computer. I would look over her shoulder and on more than one occasion, the Letter would pop up. I would read just enough of it to know what was going on with it, until Mom would go to a different website or tab or whatever. I had known about the letter going viral for probably a month or so. I never did tell anyone though, because that would mean admitting my nosiness.

Mom asked me how much I knew. And I told her. I didn't know very much at the time, just enough to know what was happening. She showed me some of the blogs, posts, comments (rude, funny, nice, everything), and some different websites where the Letter was featured. I read all about it for close to an hour, getting the full story.

And I was shocked. The comments!! "This is emotional violence," "She will need therapy after this," "You are a horrible parent," "You are f***ing up her childhood." Really!?!? In case you guys can't tell, I thought this letter was a dumb, but working, way to get me to clean my room. I didn't need therapy, but I think I should after reading all those comments.

Everyone listen up, the Letter was stupid. It wasn't "emotional violence." It was ridiculous. I thought it was funny, but half the country thinks Mom is evil, abusive, cold, manipulative, lazy, etc. If you ask me, she is definitely the opposite of everything on that list. 

Since the initial blow up of The Tooth Fairy Letter, I've followed along with Mom and have laughed with her at all of the people who think that I am needing therapy now for "such a ruined childhood."

Judging by this blog post, I think I turned out alright. I am not emotionally scarred. I am perfectly happy. 

Thank you for reading!!!



  1. you rock Emily, for an emotionally scarred girl, you are A-OK!

  2. You sound like an awesome young lady to me Emily! I say Bravo for standing up to those people who are making such a huge deal over it. Sometimes, people take things far too seriously. I remember reading that Tooth Fairy letter on your moms FB page for her blog. I thankfully, didn't come across posted anywhere else at the time! Sometimes, parents have to do silly, ridiculous things that may not make sense to anyone else but their kids. It gets the kids attention ;)

  3. Emily, my now grown daughter said you got off easy...when she was younger and the tooth fairy couldn't get in her room, she woke up to having a note posted in the doorway of her room that was covered with hazard tape...she had to choice to clean her room...she couldn't get

  4. Emily, my now grown daughter said you got off easy...when she was younger and the tooth fairy couldn't get in her room, she woke up to having a note posted in the doorway of her room that was covered with hazard tape...she had to choice to clean her room...she couldn't get

  5. What a beautifully well thought out and written response to this subject. My children have never believed in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc. They have always known that I am the tooth fairy and it is my opportunity to get dressed up fancy and wear sparkles, since I wear pajamas to work all the time (nurse). That has never take. Away from the fun of loosing the tooth and saving it for under the pillow. We also have never done money. The first time I put money under my daughter's pillow, she was disappointed Ted and wrote the tooth fairy to tell her she would rather have a trinket or fun experience (no she is not spoiled or ungrateful). They have never ruined it for their friends and they are still perfectly wonderful & normal kiddos. Keep that level head on your shoulders... You're going places and will do great things!!

  6. Your mom sounds like a super awesome mom with a big heart and a sense of humor... treasure her and learn from her and enjoy your "silly" letter... those were the kind of things my mom use to do when I was a kid and I turned out just fine and they are some of the best moments and memories I have because they always make me laugh!

    1. Exactly! But there are always those with a strange outlook on what parenting (especially single parenting) involves and they think it only right that they give their unwanted opinion. I think this idea is great.....would the trolls prefer I smack my kids for not cleaning their room??? No I thought not!

  7. I read the letter from the 'tooth fairy' and nothing about it screamed bad mom. It was genius. I am the youngest and only daughter (four older brother urgh! Lol)raised by a single mom. Its a tough job. Juggling motherhood and all the other small things that seem to bombard you at any given time of the day. I remember my mom writing to me as Santa when I was 5/6, money was tight that year. Santa explained the circumstances in the north pole were hectic, the elves were sick you see. They had caught the flu. So my gifts would come in a bit later than those of other kids. But Santa knew I would understand. Cos I was a big girl. Something to that effect. Was I disappointed? Definitely. Scarred for life? Nope. Because besides not having had a gift that year, I had everything else. I baked cookies, I had dough all over my body. My mom taught me how to make a green salad, I was positively mind blown with how much of a big girl I was. I am not a parent, I am still studying, but I dont know...I just feel some people need to calm down and smell the roses and stop being so negative. A child won't have an emotional break down because of a letter from a tooth fairy, or not having a gift on christmas. These are things that taught me valuable lessons. I am grateful for the way I grew up. Because I saw the strongest and most amazing mother conquer every obstacle to raise me properly. And today, I am in my second year of my Masters degree and I am reaching my goals. All because of what I was taught at home. All because of my upbringing.

    So bravo Emily and Non-Stopmom!

  8. You rock little lady!! And I do like the tape idea, I will do that to my kid!! Lol!!

  9. You rock little lady!! And I do like the tape idea, I will do that to my kid!! Lol!!

  10. Brilliant story all round! Great idea from mom (may even steal it myself - I'll run the risk of my kids needing therapy lol) and great response from Emily....obviously not an emotional wreck after such a traumatic childhood. Go guys, you make a great team when you all work together!

  11. I love this story and emily's response to the tooth fairy letter you are one bright girl and not at all messed up over it. My mom tought us kids some very good life skills made us clean our own messes and had punishments when w did not and we all 5 great I was the only girl out of a 5 sibling home and my mom raised us on her own so I know the struggles of not having much for Christmas. I was fought good morals and hopefully teaching my 3 boys the same good morals. Think I may use letter in different way for my kids. Not at all bad parenting skills

  12. I love this story and emily's response to the tooth fairy letter you are one bright girl and not at all messed up over it. My mom tought us kids some very good life skills made us clean our own messes and had punishments when w did not and we all 5 great I was the only girl out of a 5 sibling home and my mom raised us on her own so I know the struggles of not having much for Christmas. I was fought good morals and hopefully teaching my 3 boys the same good morals. Think I may use letter in different way for my kids. Not at all bad parenting skills

  13. It was smart on another count. I helped my then 15 yr. old stepdaughter purge and clean her room and we really bonded over it, as she showed me things from "before my time" in her life that she treasured, and bagged up old clothes, dolls, stuffed animals, etc. (18 trash bags full!) and with her Dad the next day, drove it all to Goodwill to give to needy people...and write of our taxes! Win-win-win!!!

  14. Will said Emily.
    High five mum, my daughter is 19 and still loves that I write her a note from Santa and the easter bunny, sadly no more tooth fairy. She takes it in her stride and we have a lot of fun. I even sprinkle red or gold glitter in the shape of Santa's for prints on her floor in Christmas eve when she's asleep. You have to have a laugh and some fun even more so as a single parent! We believe in fairies and all things mystical because we believe just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist! Most of us believe in God but can't see him!
    Have fun with life xx Bernie

  15. Sorry should say "well said Emily"

  16. Well said Emily I am a mother of 5 and I think I will try that I love that idea ur mom is wonderful and u r to

  17. Kinda late coming into the conversation but I just saw THE letter.

    Was going to say that this is a great idea and I should use that on my little daughter. Then I remembered I'm Asian and this video of Russell Peters came to mind.

    At the 1 min mark. The conversation between the Asian kids and the White kid. Ouch.


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