
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I swear I'm not complaining....

I keep promising myself and everyone else that I won't complain about any rain that we get. After the insanely hot and dry summer that we had, and the dry winter, we can use all of the rain that we can get.

I had actually planned to run this morning while Daniel was in school, but something told me not to go. The sky didn't look too horrible, but I just had this feeling that I was going to get wet. Sure enough, about 15 minutes after I dropped him off, the sky opened up and it started to POUR -and kept it up for a couple of hours. I ran to the grocery store in the middle of it, which didn't bother me much except for the neighbor's tree smacking me in the face with a very wet branch as I ran around the side of the van to get into it. Duh - mental note for next time - when it's raining, the wetness makes the branches hang lower, idiot.

Anyway, it was a pretty uneventful day. Ran kids back and forth to school, dealt with the rain, dealt with the usual Wednesday evening chaos, etc etc etc...made a stromboli for supper before the older 3 kids left to go to church with their father, made cookies for their lunches and snacks while they were at church, gave Alex and Daniel baths, got everyone into bed at a semi-reasonable time, packed lunches, cleaned up most of the kitchen....of course, I still have a ton and a half of laundry to do, but I think that's going to wait until tomorrow.

Although, while they're all at school tomorrow I have to run BACK to the grocery store to get some Easter goodies. I wasn't thinking, and the Easter Bunny is going to have to come and visit Friday night since the older 3 are going to their father's house on Saturday morning, so I need to get my the Easter Bunny needs to get his butt in gear and get the shopping done.

Just some random shots of the sky after the rain cleared up and moved along on its merry little way....

Oh, and I said something on my facebook page about having to find my redneck umbrella before I could go out in the rain - so for those of you wondering what in the heck I was talking about, here it is. My version of an umbrella is my old nasty stained-up ball cap - it's less bulky than an umbrella, it doesn't drip everywhere, but it keeps the rain off of my face and my glasses (for the most part). It works for me.


  1. =)

    I usually use my hoodie as a redneck umbrella.

    Making cookies to go in their lunches?

    You are such a GOOD MAMA!




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