
Monday, January 30, 2012

It is January, right?

The last time I checked, January was still considered a winter month.

So how is it that I was making sun tea on my front porch today?

This weather has just been bizarre, to say the least. But I tried to take advantage of it after I picked the boys up from school.

I had managed to get a hold of bikes for Daniel and Jared right before Christmas, but I haven't given them to them yet because they need a little bit of work. But I pulled Daniel's out today and figured that with some new tubes and tires, it would be as good as new.

We have limited places here in town to buy things like that, so I did what I could to avoid going to WalHell, but I ended up there anyway.

Holy crap! I had no idea that tires were so expensive! I mean really, it's a kids bike - not a car! It was going to cost me $50 to get new tires and tubes, but they sell brand new bikes for that price! I wasn't happy about it, but we left, empty-handed. We stopped at the hardware store, and they had tubes cheaper but no tires. I went ahead and bought the tubes but I'm going to hold off on the tires for now until I find some at a better price.

Once I officially gave up on the bike project, the boys went out back to play for a little bit - with no coats.

While they played around on the swingset, I wandered around the yard, scoping out the work that I'll need to do in the spring. Even though I've seen this fence post and tree dozens of times, it still amazes me.

I would love to know how long it took for the tree to surround the metal.

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do tomorrow. I have a bunch of things that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and some that I should do. I really should get back down to Wichita to try to exchange the DVD player that I bought the other day, since it's defective and has eaten one of our DVDs - and if I do that, I can look for bike tires while I'm at it. I have tons of cleaning that needs to be done (imagine that), and I really want to go to a playdate. At this point though, I'm fighting to stay awake, so I'm thinking that I might just crash for now and figure out what I want to do in the morning after I take Alex to school. If I'm going to do the Wichita trip this week, I really need to do it tomorrow or it's going to have to wait until Thursday - and I'd really rather just get it over with at this point.

With my luck though, even if I do go to bed now, I won't sleep....blah. Too much on my mind yet.


  1. 70's here in VA tomorrow and Wednesday...loving it! Come on Spring!

  2. It's going to be 55 here today!

    SO COOL>

    I mean hot!

  3. It was gorgeous here today - I think it hit the low 60s but it wasn't as windy as it has been so it felt even warmer than that. It was just perfect!


I have only two rules - don't reveal anyone's personal information, and be respectful. It's not difficult, honest. Now, go on and play.