So I officially started packing today. And I am so very thankful for my beautiful new big suitcases! I fit everything that I need for the boys (with the exception of their shoes) into the smaller one, and all of my stuff and the girls' stuff will go in the larger one. I would have had all of their stuff done too, but I refuse to pick out their clothes - they can do it when they get back from their dad's in the morning and then I'll get everything else packed.
I put a set of pj's and a set of clothes for each of us into my tiny suitcase, and that will be our overnight bag for Thursday. We are staying with my friend Tom in Kentucky that night, and this way, we'll just have to lug one bag into his house. At least, that's the plan.
Once the suitcases are all packed tomorrow, they're going into the van, along with the sleeping bags and anything else that can possibly go in there. I need to prep the food that we're taking (as in, cut up lunchmeat and cheese to make our own version of Lunchables) and get it packed up. I want to have everything in the van before we go to VBS.
After we get home from VBS, I don't care what the kids do (within reason) - they can stay up all night and watch movies, but I'm going to do my best to sleep. If I can lay down at 9:00pm, that'll give me almost 6 hours' worth of sleep. I can do that.
I have a few errands to do tomorrow, but nothing major. I swear, come hell or high water, we are leaving here at 3:00am on Thursday. I have been thinking about this trip for a year or more, and have been seriously planning it for months - nothing is going to stop me.
And yes, we will be posting along the way. I'll be doing mobile posts here while we're on the road (ok, I'm going to teach Sarah how to do it while I'm driving), I'll do "real" posts when we can get to a computer, and I'll also be updating on twitter and facebook - both on my personal page and on my blog page - so if you're not following me on either
twitter or
facebook, you should, because those will probably be updated more often!
I'm sure that I'll post something tomorrow (gotta' try to maintain my daily posting) but I wanted to get some of this stuff out here now while I'm thinking about it!
Now, I must go make 87 batches of pudding for VBS tomorrow. Or maybe it was 8. Whatever.